Today In Western History: Abilene Hires A New Marshal

June 04, 1870

Abilene, Kanasas, was a burgeoning Cowtown. The county itself, Dickinson County, had only come into existence in 1857.  A stage coach stop was built by Timothy Hershey that same year, and was Mud Creek began as a stage stop that same year and due to the landscape, it was given the unlikely name of Mud Creek.  In 1860, it was renamed Abilene, and the name was taken from a passage in the Bible (Luke 3:1), meaning “city of the plains”.

In 1867, Joseph G. McCoy purchased 250 acres of land north and east of Abilene, on which he built a hotel that he called the Drover’s 

Joseph G. McCoy, he built Abilene into a destination for the trail herds
Joseph G. McCoy, he built Abilene into a destination for the trail herds

Cottage.  He also put together a set of stockyards equipped for 2,000 head of cattle, and a stable for their horses. Why did he invest here?  Because he was a smart man.  In that same year the Kansas Pacific Railway (Union Pacific) had pushed westward through to Abilene. The Kansas Pacific put in a side-track switch at Abilene that enabled the cattle cars to be loaded and sent on to their destinations. The first twenty carloads left September 5, 1867, on their way to Chicago, Illinois, where McCoy was quite familiar with the market. The town grew quickly and became the very first “cow town” of the west.

McCoy encouraged Texas cattlemen to drive their herds to his stockyards.  From 1867 to 1871, the Chisholm Trail, a trail used by many cowmen to herd their cattle to market, ended in Abilene, and this convenient location brought in many travelers and very quickly turned Abilene one of the wildest towns in the west.   According to records, 35,000 head were sent on their way east in 1867 and this allowed Abilene to become the largest stockyards west of Kansas City, Kansas.  Another reliable resource declared that 440,200 head of cattle were shipped out of Abilene from 1867 to 1871. How-ever, in just four years, this total jumped to between 600,000 and 700,000 cows coming in to Abilene and other Kansas railheads, a 35-40% increase in traffic.   

This represented a tremendous boom in Abilene’s economy, but it came at a price. These cows didn’t come on their own, and that mean men were needed to move them.  After four to six months on the trail, with no liquor or women, when the men arrived and were paid off, they wanted to howl at the moon.  This allowed for a lot of opportunities for gamblers, pickpockets, saloons and painted ladies to make a killing as well.  And to prevent the other kind of killings, a strong and effective lawman was needed.

Town marshal Tom “Bear River” Smith was initially successful policing Abilene, often using only his bare hands. He survived two assassination 

Marshal Tom "Bear RIver" Smith. he tamed towns with his hands.
Marshal Tom “Bear River” Smith. he tamed towns with his hands.

attempts during his tenure. However, he was murdered and decapitated on November 2, 1870. Smith wounded one of his two attackers during the shootout preceding his death, and both suspects were given life in prison for the offense.  He was replaced by a man whose fierce reputation, as well as his unyielding style of law enforcement, was guaranteed to keep peace in town.  On June 4, 1870, the town father hired  James Butler Hickok, known far and wide as Wild Bill Hickok to be the new marshal.  Hickok’s time in the job was short.  One night while he was

James Butler "WIld Bill" Hickok, legendary lawman, shootist and gambler
James Butler “WIld Bill” Hickok, legendary lawman, shootist and gambler

 was standing off a crowd during a street brawl, a gambler named Phil Coe took two shots at Hickok, who returned fire, killing Coe.  

Phillip Houston Coe, gambler, gunfighter, and partner with Ben Thompson. He tried to shoot it out with Wild Bill Hickok and lost.
Phillip Houston Coe, gambler, gunfighter, and partner with Ben Thompson. He tried to shoot it out with Wild Bill Hickok and lost.

There had been bad blood between them for some time.   But Hickok then accidentally shot his friend and deputy, Mike Williams, who had come running up from behind in a desire to help his friend.  Running up be-hind Hickok was a smart move at any time, as Hickok was known to shoot to kill.  Hickok lost his job two months later in December.  It was the beginning of the end for Wild Bill, as his eyesight was already beginning to fail, possibly from an STD.  He never drew his pistol on another man for the rest of his life, which was only five years and four months.

It is reported that Hickok had a premonition that Deadwood would be his last camp, and expressed this belief to his friend Charlie Utter (also known as Colorado Charlie) and the others who were

Steve and Charley Utter (l to r) at the grave of Wild Bill Hickok
Steve and Charley Utter (l to r) at the grave of Wild Bill Hickok

traveling with them at the time. On August 2, 1876, Hickok was playing poker at Nuttal & Mann’s Saloon in Deadwood, in the Black Hills of the Dakota Territory. Hickok usually sat with his back to a wall. The only seat available when he joined the poker game that afternoon was a chair that put his back to a door. Twice he asked another player, Charles Rich, to change seats with him, and on both occasions Rich refused.  A former buffalo hunter, Jack McCall (better known as “Crooked Nose” or “Broken Nose” Jack), entered the saloon unnoticed by Hickok.

Jack "Crooked Nose", or "Broken Nose" McCall. He shot Wild Bill Hickik in the back of the head, and was later hanged for this killing.
Jack “Crooked Nose”, or “Broken Nose” McCall. He shot Wild Bill Hickik in the back of the head, and was later hanged for this killing.

McCall walked to within a few feet of Hickok, drew a pistol and shouted, “Damn you! Take that!” before firing at Hickok point blank.  McCall’s bullet hit Hickok in the back of the head, killing him instantly. The bullet emerged through Hickok’s right cheek, striking another player, Captain Massie, in the left wrist. The murder weapon was an 18 inch “Sharps Improved” revolver. 

Hickok was playing five card draw when he was shot, and was holding a pair of black aces and a pair of black eights. The final card had been discarded and its replacement had possibly yet to be dealt. The fifth card’s identity remains the subject of debate. 



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Today In Western History: James B. “Wild Bill” Hickok Is Born

May 27, 1837


One of the true legends of the west is born today in Homer, Illinois.  His given name is James, but he will be forever known as Bill. 

James Butler "WIld Bill" Hickok, legendary lawman, shootist and gambler
James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok, legendary lawman, shootist and gambler

He will become a stagecoach driver, Army scout, hunting guide, an actor – a bad one, at that — a lawman, and a gambler.  He will fight a bear, and become involved as a participant in one of the most iconic events of all western folklore.  He will be known as a dandy and ladies’ man, and one of the most deadly shootists of all time.  He will be friends with one of the most famous soldiers of all time, and one of the most famous showmen of the frontier.  He will know on a first name basis some of the most well-known figures of the west, and he will always be associated with his last card game.

James Butler Hickok is an American original.  He will serve with the Union Army as a scout, courier, and spy, and be successful at all of them.  He wasn’t afraid of anything, including bragging about him-self, and he wasn’t intimidated by anyone either.  He moved to Leavenworth in the Kansas Territory in 1855, at age 18, following a fight with a Charles Hudson, during which both men tumbled into a canal, believing they had killed the other one. Hickok fled the area and joined “General” Jim Lane’s “Free State Army” (also known as the “Jayhawkers“), a vigilante group then active in the Kansas Territory.  While he was serving as a Jayhawker, he met young 12-year-old William Frederick Cody (later known

William F. "Buffalo Bill" Cody, Frontiersman, creator of the Rodeo
William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody, Frontiersman, creator of the Rodeo

as “Buffalo Bill”) who, despite his youth, was serving as a scout for the U.S. Army during the Utah War.

One of the major events in Hickok’s life took place in 1860, when he was badly injured by a bear while he was driving a Russell, Waddell, & Majors freight team from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Keeping in mind he frequently told tall tales, according to Hickok’s account, he found the road blocked by a cinnamon bear and its two cubs. Dismounting, he approached the bear and fired a shot into its head, but the bullet only glanced off its thick skull, which only served to infuriate it further. The bear attacked, crushing Hickok with its body. Hickok said that he managed to fire another shot, disabling the bear’s paw. Hickok asserted the bear grabbed his arm in its mouth but he was able to grab his knife and kill it.

 While recuperating from the fight with the bear, James experienced another major event in his life.  He was convalescing at the Rock Creek Way Station of the freight company.  On July 12, 1861, Dave McCanless went to the Station office to demand an overdue property payment

David McCanless, first known victim of James Butler Hickok
David McCanless, first known victim of James Butler Hickok

 from Horace Wellman, who was the station manager. McCanles reportedly threatened Wellman, and either Hickok (who was hiding behind a curtain) or Wellman killed him.   Hickok, Wellman, and an employee, J. W. Brink, were tried for killing McCanles but were found to have acted in self-defense. McCanles was the first man Hickok may have killed.

On July 21, 1865, Hickok and Davis Tutt had several disagreements in Springfield, Missouri about Hickok’s unpaid gambling debts and

Davis Tutt, loser of the first recorded face off gunfight with James B. "Wild Bill" Hickok
Davis Tutt, loser of the first recorded face off gunfight with James B. “Wild Bill” Hickok

competing affections for the same woman (Susanna Moore). Tutt took a watch of Hickok’s who promptly demanded its return and warned Tutt not to be seen wearing it.  The next  day Hickok saw Tutt wearing the watch and warned him to not cross the town square with it.  Tutt challenged Hickok and the two men assumed classic duel stance, facing each other sideways. Their “quick draw duel” was the first of its kind. The “quick draw gunfight” was later fictionalized as a typical action by Hickok, but it is the first known instance of the classic Western gunfight, and in all the documentation and history of the old west, this is the ONLY time it ever happened, the opening of the tv show Gunsmoke not withstanding.  However, unlike the stereotypical Hollywood gunfight in which the two combatants stand face-to-face, the two men faced each other sideways, before drawing and firing their weapons. Tutt’s shot missed but Hickok struck Tutt through the heart from about 75 yards (69 m) away. Tutt called out, “Boys, I’m killed” before he collapsed and died.

Over the next 11 years, Hickok served as a lawman at Ft. Riley, Kansas; Abilene, Kansas; Ft. Hays, Kansas; where he kept order based on his fearsome reputation.  Few wanted to risk trading shots with Wild Bill, as he never shot to wound and uncommonly accurate when he did.  He served as a guide for General Custer, and was a favorite of Libby, the General’s wife.  He and Tom Custer, the General’s brother, did not get along.   He ‘trod the boards’ for Bill Cody in New York, where he would notoriously shoot close to the legs of the other actors to scare them.  He was only shooting blanks but they hurt, nonetheless.

In August of 1876, he was secretly going blind from glaucoma and ophthalmia Hickok had a premon-ition that Deadwood would be his last camp, and he expressed this belief to his friend Charlie Utter (also known as Colorado Charlie) and the others who were traveling with them. On August 2, 1876, Hickok was playing poker at Nuttal & Mann’s Saloon in Deadwood, in the Black Hills of the Dakota Territory. Hickok usually sat with his back to a wall, but the only seat open when he joined the game that afternoon was a chair that would put his back to a door. Twice he asked another player by the name of Charles Rich to change seats with him but Rich refused.   A former buffalo hunter, Jack McCall (better known as “Crooked Nose Jack”), entered the saloon unnoticed by Hickok. McCall walked to within a few feet of Hickok, drew a pistol and shouted, “Damn you! Take that!” before firing at Hickok point blank. McCall’s bullet hit Hickok in the back of the head, killing him instantly. The bullet emerged through Hickok’s right cheek, striking another player, Captain Massie, in the left wrist. The murder weapon was a 18 inch “Sharps Improved” revolver.


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